Art History Courses
Art History (ARTH)
1300 Introduction to Art (for non-art majors only)
The visual elements of art, its history, issues, functions, interpretations, materials and techniques. The creative process and the role of art and the artist in society, its reception and critical interpretation.
1V91 Studies in Art History (for non-art majors only) 1 to 4 sem. hrs.
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of department chair.
Studies in art history for the non-major participating in a Baylor approved international program. May be repeated once with a change in content.
2302 Survey of Western Art I
Architecture, painting, sculpture and other media in relation to styles and cultural patterns from prehistoric times to 1400 CE. Includes the creative process and the role of art and the artist in society, their reception and critical interpretation.
2303 Survey of Western Art II
Architecture, painting, sculpture and other media in relation to styles and cultural patterns from 1400 CE to the present. Includes the creative process and the role of art and the artist in society, their reception and critical interpretation.
3352 Greek Art and Archaeology (Cross-listed as CLA 3352)
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2302 and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
Greek art and archaeology from the Aegean Bronze Age through the first century BCE with emphasis on stylistic trends, the social functions of Greek art and material objects, and the relationship between art and various aspects of Greek life and thought.
3354 Medieval Art and Architecture
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 or consent of instructor.
Art created between the fourth and the fourteenth centuries with an emphasis on architecture.
3356 Nineteenth-Century Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303 or consent of instructor.
Art of nineteenth-century Europe focusing on technique and style with political and social contexts.
3357 Baroque Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303.
Seventeenth-century painting, sculpture and architecture with Italy as the vanguard country. Significant attention given to Spain and includes paintings from France, Flanders, and Holland.
3359 Northern Renaissance Art
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303
Art of northern Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Special attention will be given to the painters Van Eyck, Dürer, and Bruegel.
3369 Eighteenth-Century European Art
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303 or consent of instructor.
Art of eighteenth-century Europe focusing on technique and style with political and social contexts.
3370 Key Monuments in European Art
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303.
Selected examples of art studies in situ in art centers of Europe, supplemented by readings, lectures, and collected illustrations and catalogs.
3375 Art History Methods and Theory
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303.
Primary methods and theories used in the study of the history of art.
3390 Philosophy and the Arts (Cross-listed as PHI 3322)
See PHI 3322 for course information.
3391 Women in Modern and Contemporary Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303 or consent of instructor
Major female artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
3V9R Research 0 to 3 sem. hrs.
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.
4100 Field Studies in Art History
Co-requisite(s): Either ART 3356, 3358, 3369, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4362, or 4363. Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303; and consent of department chair. For Art majors only.
Specialized field study with a specific destination for established art and art history students. Includes a research component. Requires concurrent enrollment in a listed co-requisite course. May be repeated four times with a change of content. Course does not apply to major or minor credit hours.
4354 Special Topics in 18th- and 19th-Century Art
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303; and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
A research seminar on a selected topic of 18th- or 19th-century art. Subject varies year to year. May be repeated once with a change in content.
4355 Special Topics in Modern and Contemporary Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303; and upper-level standing or consent of the instructor.
A research seminar on a selected topics from modern and contemporary art. Subject varies year to year. May be repeated once with a change in context.
4356 Modern American Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303; and upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
Modern art in the Americas from 1880 to 1945. Includes major artistic movements and their political, social, and historical contexts.
4357 American Art
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303; and upper-level standing.
Artistic expression in the United States from the Colonial Period to 1900.
4358 Contemporary Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303, and upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
A research seminar focused on the major trends in painting, sculpture, printmaking, performance, video, installation, and conceptual art from the 1960s to the present.
4359 Special Topics in Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303; and upper-level standing.
Topics not covered in other courses. Topic announced for semester or session; may emphasize a particular artist, movement, genre, theme, or problem. May be repeated once.
4360 History of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2303 or consent of instructor.
Art of the Impressionism and Post-Impressionism movements, 1850-1900, focusing on technique and style with social and political contexts.
4361 Greek Painted Pottery (Cross-listed as CLA 4361)
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
Techniques, stylistic changes, and social use and function of Greek painted pottery and its imagery from the Late Aegean Bronze Age through the Late Classical and Early Hellenistic periods. Focus is on vessels in the Archaic and Classical periods.
4362 Modern European Art
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303; and upper-level standing.
Modern art in Europe from Post-Impressionism to 1945.
4363 Neoclassicism and Romanticism
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2302; and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
Art of the Neoclassicism and Romanticism movements, 1750-1850, focusing on technique and style with social and political contexts.
4364 Roman Sculpture (Cross-listed as CLA 4364)
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and upper-level standing.
Roman sculpture from the Republic to Constantine (c. 313 CE) focusing on style and technique with political and social contexts.
4365 Italian Renaissance Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303; and Upper-level standing or permission of instructor.
A selective study of the art of Italy during the Renaissance period (c. 1300-1550) as seen within its historical context. Emphasis on the art of Florence and Rome.
4366 Mannerism
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303 and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
A specialized study of Mannerism (c.1520-85) painting as a transition between the Renaissance and Baroque periods in Italy. Emphasis on the cities of Florence and Rome.
4367 Special Topics in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303; and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
A specialized study of a major artist(s) or topic of Italian Renaissance or Baroque art. Subject varies year to year. May be repeated once with a change of content.
4368 Special Topics in Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology (Cross-listed as CLA 4368)
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302; and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
A research seminar on Greek or Roman Art and Architecture. May be repeated once with a change of content.
4369 Greek and Roman Sport and Spectacle (Cross-listed as CLA 4369)
Pre-requisite(s): ART 2302; and Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
History, origins, and political and social functions of sport and spectacle in Greece and Rome viewed through art, architecture, and material culture.
4370 The Art of Michelangelo and His Contemporaries
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2303; and Upper-level standing or instructor permission.
The sources, development, style and meaning of Michelangelo’s art and the art of his sixteenth-century contemporaries within the historical context.
4396 Internship in Art History
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302, 2303; upper-level standing; and consent of department chair.
A field experience under the supervision of qualified museum or gallery personnel, which will make it possible for the student to receive on-the-job training in an area of art history.
4399 Senior Thesis in Art History
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor and department chair.
Thesis preparing qualified seniors for graduate work in art history.
43C1 Aesthetic Perception and Experience (Cross-listed as ENG 43C1 and MUS 43C1)
See ENG 43C1 for course information.
4V91 Special Problems in Art History 1 to 9 sem. hrs.
Pre-requisite(s): ARTH 2302 and 2303; and upper-level standing; and consent of instructor and department chair. For Art majors only. Qualified students with established success in art history may research and report on special areas or topics in art history. May be repeated once with a change in content.
4V9R Research 0 to 3 sem. hrs.
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.