Dr. Heidi J. Hornik Named As New Department Chair

Baylor University’s Department of Art & Art History is delighted to announce that Dr. Heidi J. Hornik, Professor of Art History, was named Department Chair on June 1, 2021. Dr. Hornik came to Baylor in 1990 after receiving her B.A. from Cornell University and M.A and Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Hornik served as Interim Chair since the retirement of her predecessor Prof. Mark Anderson in August 2020.
Dr. Hornik brings a wealth of experience, accomplishment, and leadership to the position. During Dr. Hornik’s thirty-plus year career at Baylor, she has been Chair of the University Tenure Committee, Chair of the Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, and served on the University Research and Sabbatical Committees. Dr. Hornik is also the recent past President and current executive board member of the Midwest Art History Society, a national Art History academic organization.
Dr. Hornik is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of Italian Renaissance art, publishing eight academic books and numerous articles; her specialty focuses on the work of Late Renaissance/Mannerist painter Michele Tosini. Her reputation as a gifted teacher is well known and she has received faculty awards, including the Mentor of the Year for Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Achievement Award from Baylor in 2015. Dr Hornik also received the College of Arts & Architecture Alumni Achievement Award from Penn State.
Dr. Hornik’s wide experience, respect for tradition, coupled with an awareness of the art world and its future opportunities will serve the students and faculty of both the department and the university well into the coming years. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Hornik to this new role!