Dr. Heidi Hornik, Founding Editor in Chief, Announces the Publication of Volume 2 of “VENUE: a digital journal of the Midwest Art History Society”

Congratulations to Dr. Heidi Hornik, Professor of Art History and Chair of the Dept of Art & Art History.
Dr. Hornik, Founding Editor in Chief, and colleagues are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 2 of VENUE: a digital journal of the Midwest Art History Society.
This volume includes four articles that have undergone single-blind external peer review. These articles offer a detailed look into recent expansions and reinstallation of the Indigenous collections at several Midwestern museums. There are also four catalog and eight exhibition reviews.
Again, congratulations to Dr. Hornik and all involved with this wonderful publication!
Click the link to read: https://venuemahs-ojs-baylor.tdl.org